Some may know Richard Belzer from his long time role of Detective Munch on Law and Order: SUV. With his co-author Michael Black, Belzer takes the reader into the “twilight zone” that is his alter ego’s life in New York City. An alter ego who is very similar to the author himself, both go by the same name and play a cop on TV, well “Belz” has the martial arts skills, not Belzer. The real mystery begins when Belzer friend goes missing and it falls on Belzer to find him. Kirkus Reviews puts it best. “Take a plot inspired by old Hitchcock movies, stir in bad guys cribbed from Dostoevsky, apply a wisecracking, well-read New York City detective transported from the set of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and the result is this debut novel.” This fictional account of the actors alter ego, is funny, a little weird, but it is worth the time out of you day to sit down and read.